Posts Tagged ‘weight loss’

Make Sleep a Priority, Doctor's Orders!

  Let’s talk about The Healing Power of Sleep When you nod off, it seems like your body powers down for the night. But as you sleep, your body actually repairs and restores itself. “Think of sleep as the tune-up you need to run smoothly,” says Dr. David M. Rapoport, MD. Rapoport is director of

NEWS RELEASE – Our Ocean Rock Scholar!

DR. PEETS TALBOT GRADUATES FROM OBESITY MEDICINE ADVANCED CURRICULUM FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM Ayesha Peets Talbot MD FAAP DABIM DABOM, recently graduated from the American Society of Bariatric Physicians® (ASBP®) Advanced Curriculum Fellowship Program. Dr. Peets Talbot was recognized for her commencement of the Advance Curriculum Fellowship Program at the ASBP’s Overcoming Obesity 2015 in Washington, DC

Think SMART!

Ever wonder where to get started when trying to lose weight? Setting goals is an important first step, but you need to be S.M.A.R.T about it! S.M.A.R.T is an acronym to help you set goals that can jump start your journey. Your goals should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. Specific. Your goal should

Eating Humble Pie: My Journey to Discovering Obesity Medicine

      Eating Humble Pie: My Journey to Discovering Obesity Medicine       Like many other eager students, when I first entered medical school, I had many preconceived notions of how I was going to save people’s lives. I thought perhaps I would be that Surgeon with superiorly gifted hands, or successfully resuscitate the guy who’s

Bermudian Doctor Certified In Obesity Medicine

 Dr. Ayesha Peets Talbot is the Medical Director at Ocean Rock Wellness Ltd, and is sharing her expertise in Obesity Medicine. Dr. Peets Talbot has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to successfully managing weight loss. She leads the team in our OPTIMAL HEALTHY WEIGHT PROGRAM, using the latest evidence based practice. Check out this article



Click below to view the Healing Bermuda website and learn more about our programs and supplements.

Ocean Rock Wellness Ltd.
Charities House
25 Point Finger Road
Paget, DV 04


tel: (441) 295-5100
fax: (441) 295-5101
email: [email protected]

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