Posts Tagged ‘mindful’

Eating Healthy isn’t just about WHAT you eat, it’s HOW you eat.

How many meals did you eat on the go today? Why did you choose the foods you ate? To satisfy your hunger or your emotions? Today most of the discussion around healthy eating has focused on WHAT we eat, but what about HOW we eat? We all hear about the latest must have superfoods, and

Dirga Pranayama – Three-Part Breath

The fourth limb of yoga, Pranayama, means breath control. I can confidently say that breathing exercises affect all parts of our being and help integrate all systems and functions of the body. We can even tap into our energy sources, emotional and psychological states with simple yet effective breathing techniques. In yoga, pranayamas are used


You’ll never be truly grateful unless you practice GRATITUDE….FOR REAL. This May, June and July past I found myself newly pregnant and feeling awful with morning sickness. As if the nausea and vomiting wasn’t enough to make me feel like my life had taken a turn for the worst, the negative thoughts that accompanied my

Mindful Eating

Did you know that being distracted while eating, is otherwise known as “Mindless Eating?”  Mindless Eating has been linked to overeating, stress and increased anxiety. To figure out if you have been eating mindlessly, think back to your last meal. Can you remember what you ate? The textures, the smell, and the taste? If you are struggling



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Charities House
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Paget, DV 04


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