You’ll never be truly grateful unless you practice GRATITUDE….FOR REAL.

This May, June and July past I found myself newly pregnant and feeling awful with morning sickness. As if the nausea and vomiting wasn’t enough to make me feel like my life had taken a turn for the worst, the negative thoughts that accompanied my physical pains was enough to bring me to tears. I am not keen on spreading the news of a soon-to-be-bundle of joy “too early” as it is. Therefore, when I found myself telling people in my close circle, I would break out in tears feeling hopeless, depressed and ashamed. Clearly I felt unwell in mind, body and spirit and I really was at a loss about what I was going to do about it. I recall asking myself over and over “How am I going to get through this; how am I going to get better?”

One day last month a voice came into my head and it said “Ayesha Be Grateful”. As I reflected on that, I started to think of all the support I had received in the last few months. In my thoughts, I started to thank everyone who had slowly showed kindness and compassion to me. I slowly but surely started to feel better.

They say that one of the best mindfulness practices is gratitude. Most or all of our spiritual leaders would attest to using GRATITUDE in their practice to encourage healing of the mind, body and spirit. I’m not sure how it works and truthfully I’m not sure if I care how it works. I am just grateful that it does. Which is why I would like to take out the time to mention the people in my life whom I am truly grateful for.

I am grateful for my family, particularly my mom and dad; who are steady rocks in my life. I am grateful for my husband who is caring and compassionate and my daughter who reminds me to live in the moment.

I am grateful for my close friends and colleagues at work who have been very understanding, extremely helpful and supportive in their kind words and deeds.

I am grateful for my patients who have always been great teachers to me and have been understanding with rescheduled appointments and caring enough to send me well wishes.

Finally, I am grateful for the persons in my life and past who have hurt me deeply for they teach me to practice forgiveness (another healer).

It just happened to be morning sickness for me, but it could have been a number of other scenarios that serve as a reminder that life comes with highs and lows. I just wanted to share this experience as I had as a reminder to anyone that maybe riding through a low point in their life… think about GRATITUDE, cause it’s Awesome!!

Ayesha Peets Talbot,

Just another grateful person.

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